Knoflíkové odznaky, cínové odznaky
Badges are novelties that can be branded to promote your business, event or fundraising. Many business sectors have benefited from a card-body-designed odznak s knoflíkem as it serves as a premium gift & an efficient reminder to be worn easily on clothes/ bags/hats despite its low cost. There are two types of badges made of tinplate: odznak s knoflíkems, which come with a gloss lamination on top to protect the printed paper images; and tin badges are with image printed on tinplate directly. The one with paper image is the popular option with low cost and better performance. You’ll find out more about the items we can brand for you in this website, or just email our sales team for more detail.
● Materiál: Pocínovaná skořepina, kovové/plastové dno, inertní papír, laminace mylarem
● Logo: Vlastní tisk
● Připevnění: Zavírací špendlík, magnet, otvírák na lahve, klíčenka atd
● Materiál: Pocínovaná skořepina, kovové/plastové dno, inertní papír, laminace mylarem
● Logo: Vlastní tisk
● Připevnění: Zavírací špendlík, magnet, otvírák na lahve, klíčenka atd